Background App Refresh Spotify

As you probably know, Windows 10 comes with a bunch of apps pre-installed on your system.

In addition to those pre-installed apps you might have also installed one or more additional apps from the Microsoft Store.

The time period (in seconds) for which the access token is valid. Returned from the Spotify account service. Refreshtoken: The refresh token returned from the Spotify account service. It should not return the actual refresh token but a reference to the token or an encrypted version of the token. Encryption solution is shown in the ruby example. What exactly is expected to happen when I enable background app refresh for spotify in the settings of my iOS 8 device? I couldn't find any info in spotify's whats new or the user documentation for the app. I turned it on and closed the app but none of my subscribed playlists got updated in the background. A feature called “background app refresh” allows apps to check for updates — for example, new emails in an email app — in the background. To prevent an app from running in the background in this way, you don’t need to use the multitasking view. Instead, just disable background refresh for such apps. To do this, open the Settings.

By default, most of those apps run in the background at all times – even the ones you never use!

In most cases having all those apps running in the background serves no useful purpose, but it does have a couple of serious downsides:

1 – Every running background app uses a portion of your system resources (RAM, CPU cycles, etc.), and that makes your machine run a little slower than it would if those apps weren’t running.

2 – Some background apps “phone home” on a regular basis to check for available updates and/or send usage information back to Microsoft or to the companies that supplied the apps.

Of course that uses Internet data – and that’s a bad thing if you’re on a limited data plan.

Tip: To see who’s following you, click your name in the top right corner of the app and click FOLLOWERS. My Friend Activity isn’t updating The Friend Activity can sometimes experience minor delays, but if it’s not updated in over a week the following can help fix it. I'm not even sure this is a background app refresh issue but here it is. I have the latest version of spotify (3.4.0) running on the latest iOS version on an iPhone 5S. This has been an issue for quite a while now. If I stop using the app for a while (appx an hour or more), the app does not remember.

Of the more popular apps affected, Mailbox was 'in crisis mode' to find a solution, but was unable to rectify the situation, saying Apple's Background App Refresh is the root cause of the issue. A redirection URI for whitelisting with Spotify. Register Your App: On your Dashboard click CREATE A CLIENT ID. Enter Application Name and Application Description and then click CREATE. Your application is registered, and the app view opens. On the app view, click Edit Settings to view and update your app settings.

What’s more, sending data back to a remote server could potentially put your privacy at risk.


As you can see, it’s not a good thing to have all of your installed apps running in the background 24/7.

Of course there are some types of apps that do need to be running in the background such as an email app that needs to check the mail server on occasion to see if you’ve received any new messages.

But those “must-run” apps are few and far between and chances are none of your installed apps really need to run in the background.

Luckily, it’s very easy to prevent your apps from running in the background. You can even choose to disable ALL background apps in one fell swoop or just the ones that you never use. The choice is yours.

Important: Preventing an app from running in the background doesn’t mean you can’t use it. It simply means it won’t be running in the background when you aren’t using it.

You can launch and use any app that’s installed on your system at any time simply by clicking its entry on the Start Menu.

Just follow the steps below to prevent one or more apps from running in the background on your Windows 10 machine:

1 – Click the Start button.

2 – As soon as the Start Menu pops up type the words background apps.

3 – Click Choose which apps can run in the background.

You should now see a Settings screen listing all the apps that are currently running in the background.

How To Change Spotify Background

Background App Refresh Spotify

If you want to disable ALL those background apps in one fell swoop simply toggle the “Let apps run in the background” setting to Off.

If you want to allow one or more apps to run in the background, leave that setting set to On and disable the apps in the list as desired.

4 – Restart your computer.

That’s all there is to it. The background apps you disabled should no longer be running in the background.

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Pocket Casts supports Background App Refresh. This means that iOS can wake up the app to perform tasks like syncing and auto downloading episodes.

The frequency with which iOS will wake up Pocket Casts depends on how regularly you use the app. This means that if you do not use Pocket Casts often, you may find that auto downloads will not begin until you open the app.

New episode notifications should trigger a Background App Refresh.

To enable notifications

  1. Profile
  2. Settings
  3. Notifications
  4. Toggle New Episodes to on.

How To Refresh Spotify Playlist

To check that Background App Refresh is on

  1. Open the Settings
  2. Open Pocket casts
  3. Toggle Background App Refresh