Spotify Remove App Access

You can remove devices from your Spotify account in two ways: using a desktop computer or through the mobile app. If you're removing a device from Spotify using your desktop, you'll need to open. Hi, We're looking at integrating with the Spotify using the API. We have authorization working with 'Code Flow', but would like to be able to remove our own access using the API. We can delete our access tokens locally, but the app would still appear under the `Apps` section of the account. To do so: Click Start, then type in 'cmd' (no quotes) and DO NOT press Enter. The 'command prompt' should appear in the Start menu. A black Command Prompt window will appear. Type in the following into the command prompt: '%appdata% Spotify Spotify.

Use the app to play music files stored on your device, which we call local files.

Note: Files or downloads from illegal sources are not permitted.

For: Premium

  1. On desktop, import your local files (with the 'Desktop' steps).
  2. Add the files to a new playlist.
  3. Log in on your mobile or tablet using the same WiFi as your desktop.
  4. Go to Settings > Local Files and switch on Local audio files.
    Note: You need to allow Spotify to find devices in the prompt that shows.
  5. Download the playlist with your local files.

Didn’t work?

Make sure:

  • You're logged in to the same account on both your desktop and mobile
  • Your devices are connected to the same WiFi network
  • The app is up-to-date on both devices
  • Your device is up-to-date
  • The Spotify app has access to your local network. Check in your iPhone/iPad settings under Spotify

For: Premium

  1. On desktop, import your local files (with the 'Desktop' steps).
  2. Add the files to a new playlist.
  3. Log in on your mobile or tablet using the same WiFi as your desktop.
  4. Download the playlist with your local files.

Didn’t work?

Make sure:

  • You're logged in to the same account on both your desktop and mobile
  • Your devices are connected to the same WiFi network
  • The app is up-to-date on both devices
  • Your device is up-to-date
  1. Click , then Settings.
  2. Scroll to Local Files and switch Show Local Files on.
  3. Switch off any sources you don't want.
  4. Click ADD A SOURCE to select another folder.

Music from that folder is now in Local Files in the menu on the left.

Supported file types

Note: Some of your files may be protected in restricted formats. Install QuickTime on your computer to allow most of these tracks to be played on Spotify.

  • .mp3
  • .m4p (unless it contains video)
  • .mp4 (if QuickTime is installed on your computer)

The iTunes lossless format (M4A) isn't supported.

If your file isn’t supported, we do our best to match it with songs from the Spotify catalog. The version we match with might differ from the original.

Last updated: 24 September, 2020

Community Answers

Play 'local files' on my mobile device

What's the easiest way to be able to play 'local files' that reside on my desktop device on my mobile? After bringing them in to the desktop Spotify client as a playlist I'm able to play them there, a...

How do you add Local Files to the Desktop app?

Answer: We have an extensive record collection, but if the track you’re after hasn’t found its way on to Spotify yet, don’t worry! You can add any personal music you have with a feature...

Can you upload your own music?

Yeah, I've tried to figure it out but I can't seem to find how I have to do it anywhere..

More at the Community

You may wish unlink your Spotify account from an Alexa host device because,

  • You’re giving an Echo Dot to your child. Do, you wish to keep him / her from listening to adult stuff on Spotify. But you still allow her access to other features of your Amazon Alexa account.
  • You cancelled your Spotify subscription. So you want to clear it our of your Alexa settings to cut clutter.
  • You like other versions of music than what Spotify offers. Thus, you remove Spotify from your list of Alexa music sources. This way, Alexa does not find songs you request on Spotify. Instead, she gets them from your other active music services, which DO offer the versions you want.

How to Unlink Spotify from Alexa

Get tablet ready for this. Be sure to install Alexa app and link it to the right Amazon account (probably your Amazon account). This account should have the Spotify account you wish to unlink. Then, perform the following steps.

1. Find the Alexa App on your Mobile Device

On our iOS based iPad, we find the Alexa app page three of the Home screen. See this in the next picture.

2. Run the Alexa App

Tap the Alexa app icon on the tablet home screen.

The Alexa app Home screen then displays, as shown next.

3. Tap the Settings Link

Located in black and white menu at left side of the Alexa app home screen.

The Alexa app then shows its Settings screen, as seen next.

4. Tap the Music & Media Link to Continue with How to Unlink Spotify from Alexa

Spotify Remove App Access Google

pointed at by the pink arrow in the just previous picture.

The Media Services screen then displays, as shown next.

5. Tap the Spotify Item in the Media Services List

Access Spotify Online

as displayed in the previous picture.

Then, you get the Spotify Settings screen as shown next.

6. Tap the Unlink Spotify from Alexa link.

The Unlink Spotify Confirmation Prompt screen should then appear, as follows.

7. Finally, tap the Unlink Button to Continue with How to Unlink Spotify from Alexa

in that confirmation window.

This removes your Spotify account information from the Alexa app.

Then Alexa returns you to the Media Services screen, as displayed in the next step.

Spotify Remove App Access

You might receive an error message though. Why? Because someone else who shares your Amazon account may have already deleted your Spotify profile.

Spotify Remove App Access

8. Check that you Indeed Unlinked your Spotify Account

Spotify Remove App Access Gmail

On the Media Services page, find the Spotify entry and look to the right of it. If there’s a blue Link Account on option, then your Spotify account info has been successfully deleted from Alexa.

You can also see that Alexa no longer plays music on Spotify. Try asking for a song on Spotify. For example, say something like

  • Alexa, play Hey Brother by Avicii on Spotify.

If you successfully removed your Spotify profile the Alexa assistant, she’ll say back,

“To play Spotify, first link your premium account using the Alexa app.”

9. Done with How to Unlink Spotify from Alexa !

How Do I Remove Spotify

But if you change your mind, and would like to reinstate Spotify access on your Amazon smart speaker devices, then simply add back your Spotify account info in the Alexa app, as we explain how to do here.

Related Posts to How to Unlink Spotify from Alexa

References for How to Unlink Spotify from Alexa

Uninstall Spotify App

Revision History

  • 2017-01-14: Originally published.